1 | final demo.dir | 4.0 | 1398 | 120 | (0, 0) => (640, 480) | 0 | 0 | ASI - AROME | A. Programmer - Ar‚Ñ¢me Interactive | [2: "BEGIN", 14: "MAIN", 39: "recep selection", 47: "cake", 56: "dough", 63: "cream", 70: "fruit", 87: "Click on fruit", 104: "number of recep", 130: "Show Recep", 133: "highlight dish", 155: "By hiliting a dish", 168: "hi liting top icons", 193: "end of hilit top icons", 273: "crsr to bake", 296: "clk on bke", 301: "cooking screen", 317: "ing clk", 351: "tools clk", 363: "notes clk", 368: "prnt clk", 628: "Fruit exmaple", 808: "by clicking on cream", 821: "hilite cream", 823: "see list", 825: "hilite one", 847: "hilite one", 939: "prep screen"] | []